University of Bucharest, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences in collaboration with Institut de la Communication and Laboratoire Education, Cultures, Politiques de l’Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
Bucharest, Romania, July 4-5, 2024 (In-person and online sessions)
The controversy surrounding tools based on Artificial Intelligence (such as ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI) has reignited the debate on their use in the academic world. ChatGPT is recognized for its ability to process natural language, and produce responses that mimic those of a human, but it has also raised numerous ethical concerns.
Artificial Intelligence – a ubiquitous subject in the media, and everyday discussions – has quickly become a central theme in calls for projects and scientific events of many research centres and in various organisations. However, the real impact of AI on various sectors such as education, media production, decision-making, as well as legal and medical fields, has yet to be explored.
The goal of the conference is to provide a view on the state of research in communication in the context of recent technological innovations. It adopts a critical and comparative perspective, examining both perceptions and practices associated with AI in the academic environment, particularly in the field of communication and media training. We seek contributions that analyze the construction of the AI concept in the public sphere by examining recent discourses, and by studying the perceptions of students and teachers on the use of AI, as well as to map academic practices that integrate these technologies. The conference focuses on the challenges to which journalism, public communication, and education are exposed in the context of the increased diversification of digital technologies.
We welcome papers that covers the following topics:
Organized as part of the project „The impact of AI on professional practices in university communication and media teaching (IACOM)”, funded under the AUF-ECO 2023 Call – Support to Research Teams SER-ECO
Organized with the participation of the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bucharest
The abstract (250-300 words) will contain the author(s)’ contact details, the study’s objective, research questions, the methodology or approach used, the results (potential), including references (APA 7th edition).
The languages for submission are Romanian, French, and English. The time for each intervention will be 15 to 20 minutes, and the presentation can be done online/virtual or in-person (the corresponding author must express this choice when submitting the abstract). The deadline for submitting abstracts is June 21, 2024, at:
Participation fees (online or in-person): 25 euros
If you have any other questions, please contact the organizers at:
Sesiunea își propune să găzduiască lucrări ale studenților și masteranzilor care analizează teme legate de jurnalism, relații publice, publicitate, comunicare politică, tehnologiile digitale etc. Lucrările se vor înscrie în câmpul științelor comunicării, însă se pot propune abordări și teme interdisciplinare.
Sunt acceptate lucrări individuale, cât și comunicări realizate de echipe formate din 2-4 studenți (licență/masterat). Fiecare participant /echipă participantă la manifestare se poate înscrie trimițând până în data de 31.05.2023, pe adresa, o prezentare de cca 150 cuvinte, în care să fie precizate pe lângă informații despre autor(i) și numele profesorului coordonator, titlul prezentării, motivația alegerii temei, întrebările de cercetare, abordarea sau metodologia, rezultate preconizate/obținute.
Programul conferinței Public Communication and Artificial Intelligence: Impact and Consequences – 4-5 iulie 2024
Afișul conferinței Public Communication and Artificial Intelligence: Impact and Consequences – 4-5 iulie 2024
Programul Conferinței Naționale a Studenților – 7-8 iunie 2024
Afișul Conferinței Naționale a Studenților – 7-8 iunie 2024