This year, the International Conference for Young Scholars – BEYOND LANGUAGE 2024 – starts in May 2024, lasts four days and takes place in three cities.
Speakers who would like to participate in the conference are requested to send a short (100–300 words including 5–7 key words) abstract of their talk in English by May 10, 2024. English is the official language of the conference, but you can also have your presentation in Polish. There is no conference fee.
This BEYOND LANGUAGE 2024 conference is organized with the goal of integrating international academics, researchers, scholars of language, literature and cultures understood as pivotal social human behavioral patterns. We invite papers discussing current issues in linguistics, literature, studies of cultures as well as translation/interpretation studies seen from various research perspectives.
It’s sure to be an exciting and informative event, and we hope to see YOU there!
Visit the Conference website at: https://bl2024.isi.wzks.